A multiple traffic accident that occurred this Saturday afternoon on Route 1 resulted in the death of two people.
The incident occurred at kilometer 159 of the aforementioned national highway, within the jurisdiction of the department of Colonia. The victims were a woman and a nine-year-old girl. Likewise, there was a three-year-old girl who was also seriously injured.
A bus was traveling along the aforementioned route in the direction of Colonia to Montevideo, when, around 3:15 p.m., it collided head-on with a Nissan car that was coming in the opposite direction.
While this was happening, a third Suzuki brand car, which was coming behind the Nissan, could not avoid the rear-end impact and collided with it.
As a result, the three occupants of the Nissan were seriously injured and needed to be transferred to a care center. Hours later it was confirmed that both the driver and the oldest of the girls inside the car died.
On the other hand, the injury of none of the people who were on board the bus was reported.