The Broad Front, through its networks, released a statement from the political force presided over by Fernando Pereirawhere the defendants are supported for painting a wall.
Specifically, on April 29, in the 1st shift Misdemeanor Court, a trial was given against four militants of the aforementioned political force. The people were accused by the Prosecutor’s Office of “vandalism” for painting a wall with a political slogan on April 18.
The party, maintained by means of a document, alluding to this fact that “We consider that it is a serious fact.” He alleges that this event “criminalizes militancy and dangerously limits freedom of expression.” It indicates that a “simple graffiti” cannot be “cannot” be described in legal terms as “vandalism”. However, it is added that the wall “has had political and commercial graffiti for decades.”
“Recourse of unconstitutionality” was held from the Broad Front
“The defense of our colleagues and colleagues filed an appeal of unconstitutionality before the Supreme Court of Justice, we hope and trust that the Judicial System dismisses this accusation that is clearly illegitimate and if it succeeds it would establish a dangerous precedent,” says the document.
It is added at the end of the text that from the Broad Front, the political actions that will be carried out are being analyzed. They support the “compañeros and compañeras”, while claiming “political action and street propaganda”. About it he defines it as «an identity of the militancy of the lefttogether with the popular movement».