The Jordanian Popular Democratic Unity Party sent a message of support and solidarity to the President of the Republic, after he was sworn in for a new presidential term and inaugurated before the National Assembly this January 10.
“We are sure that the Venezuelan people under your leadership, inspired by the legacy of the eternal Commander Hugo Chávez and his immortal creative Bolivarian thought, will be able to lead the Bolivarian Revolution, during this mandate, towards victory and the protection of their independence. and sovereignty over their homeland, and to advance in the process of achieving well-being, peace and participatory democracy throughout the national territory,” indicates the text, sent by the party organization to the embassy of the Bolivarian Republic. of Venezuela in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
In the statement they also express their full solidarity with the Venezuelan people, the Bolivarian Revolution and “especially, with his person as legitimate President and elected with the free will of the Bolivarian people of Venezuela for a new mandate,” stated the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry.
The Jordanian Popular Democratic Unity Party also firmly repudiated the imperial attack against the South American nation. “We condemn all fascist and neo-fascist attempts, external and internal, represented by the United States and its puppet lackeys in Latin America, some European countries and by the failed and miserable Venezuelan neo-fascist extreme right, which does not have popular support; but it is limited to anti-homeland and traitor groups,” they say.
They add that “the failure of the fascist right and its imperialist masters is a starting point for the strengthening of the revolutionary process and the Bolivarian project towards the construction of an efficient model of social justice, opening the way to the Bolivarian alternative for the construction of the socialism”.
Likewise, in the statement they recognize Venezuela’s rights over Guayana Esequiba. They also appreciate the marked support of the Bolivarian Revolution to the Palestinian cause. “The Venezuela of Bolívar, Chávez and Maduro has always been on the side of our Arab causes, led by unconditional support and solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people, the Lebanese people and all the Arab people, and we, for our part, will be with all our strength in the same trench in defense of the Bolivarian Revolution,” the statement concludes.