The senator for the National Party, Graciela Bianchi, participated on February 22 in an act of the campaign for the “No” to the repeal in the referendum on the 135 articles of the Law of Urgent Consideration, in Municipality B of Montevideo , and issued a series of questions to the educational system and to the Broad Front.
“Education is the people’s head, education is the people’s freedom, and don’t think that it was in recent years that they infiltrated: it has been indoctrinating for decades -and I have seen it- indoctrinating our children, to our young people at Udelar, and we should not be afraid to say so,” said the ultra-conservative senator, accompanied on stage by other nationalist militants, among whom the Minister of the Interior, Luis Alberto Heber, stood out behind her back. “Those who are silent on these things is because they agree that these things happen,” added Bianchi.
“What we have to do is not sweep it under the rug. It is true that they have also done it in the open, and we all have responsibility… mainly me, because I was in there and I thought I could change them. What Luis Alberto (Heber) said is very true: they use democratic laws but they do not agree with the Republic and democracy”, he argued in reference to the Broad Front.
“no more”
The legislator understands that the sectors of the right must “give strength to the government and defend our way of life.”
He concluded his participation saying: “we must make sure that the most radical sectors of the Broad Front, which is more than 75% of the political force, can no longer agree to stay with our children, with our factories, with our people. More does not go. No. It’s not going anymore”.
This represents the living thought of Herrerismo.
That is why not only do they not silence her, but they stimulate her to say what others do not dare.
With citizen language, it expresses the same ideas as Chicotazo in the 60s with country language. They hate the left.– DO NOT STOP DREAMING! (@jaimenievesdiz) February 24, 2022