This January 15, a new stage of vaccination against COVID-19 began. Find out when, where and what requirement you must meet for this process.
Quito, Loja, Zamora and Machala are the four cities in which, this February 15, 2022, the vaccination against COVID-19 for children 3 and 4 years old.
While in the rest of the country immunization for this age group will start on February 21, 2022.
Today we tell you how this process is carried out.
What vaccine do they receive?
To the 3 and 4 year oldsin Ecuador, 0.5 millimeters of the sinovac vaccine.
When should the second dose be placed?
Once the 28 days have expired.
Where is the vaccine received?
In public and private educational centers, parents will be notified of the day on which their child will receive the vaccine. Those who do not attend initial education centers can receive the vaccine in the health centers.
Are there any requirements?
Yes. Parents must bring a signed consent that authorizes the health personnel to apply the vaccine.
The consent is located on the page of the Ministry of Health. (AVV)