May 10, 2023, 4:00 AM
May 10, 2023, 4:00 AM
After the controversy that arose from the donation to Conamaq of a stolen vehicle in Chile, the director of the Vehicle Search Group (GBV), Hugo Bustos, revealed to this medium that There are at least 12 cars with reports of theft in Chilean territory that were donated to the governments of Evo Morales and Luis Arce.ç
“The 12 stolen vehicles that are in our registry, the 12 were donated. It is important to detail that we are talking about different donations, that is, donations to the Army, to the Police and to different institutions”, explained the Chilean researcher in telephone contact with EL DEBER.
He added that most of the motorized vehicles were handed over to the Morales government and “a few” by Arce. “Evo’s are (cases) more tragic because Evo nationalized at one time some vehicles that were 100% stolen and did not return them,” he said.
In the event for the 26th anniversary of the National Council of Ayllus and Markas of Qullasuyu (Conamaq), the president donated a vehicle to this organization. The car was returned by the peasants after learning of the theft report in Chile It was revealed two weeks ago.
The authorities of the Directorate for the Prevention of Vehicle Theft (Diprove), officials of the Ministry of the Presidency, the Ministry of Government and the National Customs of Bolivia are investigated for the donation of the stolen car that annoyed the head of stateas confirmed by the presidential spokesman, Jorge Richter.
Arce completed half of his government managementtwo years and six months, time in which delivered 32 vehicles to all the groups that support the Government. All the vehicles delivered by the National Executive are cars seized by Customs and delivered to the Ministry of the Presidency, as mandated by Decree 3640 of August 2018.
In May 2022, the Police detained a soldier who was driving a stolen vehicle in Brazil.he; On the other hand, the Prosecutor’s Office ordered the apprehension of another soldier in Yapacaní, Santa Cruz, who would be involved in the robbery of a motorized vehicle.
In June of that year, A stolen Chilean vehicle was found at the facilities of the Mejillones Regiment from the municipality of Huachacalla. The victim reported that his motorcycle disappeared on December 23, 2019.