The businessman Martín Mutio, accused by the Justice after the seizure of a historic drug shipment transferred from Montevideo to Germany, got married on Saturday in Rosario, Argentina, after obtaining authorization from the Justice to leave the country.
Mutio requested an authorization and it was granted, informed El Observador Javier Benech, director of Comunicacide the Prosecutor’s Office. Videos of the ceremony went viral on social media.
“He had a precautionary measure, which prevented him from leaving the country for a crime of alleged fraud. However, he requested a judicial authorization to marry abroad and that authorization was granted,” he explained.
In addition to the case involving him for co-authorship of drug trafficking and money laundering as the owner of the container that carried 4.5 tons of cocaine to Hamburg, Mutio was also charged in November for fraud and writing of bad checks.
The request then included a request to remain abroad and extend his stay, but the judge and the prosecutor decided to deny it. Alejandra Domínguez, a Colonia prosecutor who follows the fraud case, assured that the accused must return to Uruguay and prove his presence.
Drug seized in the transfer to Germany, in 2019
Consequently, the Justice ordered his domicile, prohibition to leave the country with borders closed, delivery of travel documentation, and that he cannot have communication with the victims for 180 days.