In an Extraordinary Meeting of the Board of Governors of the organization that took place this Sunday at the IDB headquarters, with delegations that participated in person and virtually, Goldfajn was elected as president of the IDB group, for a period of five years. .
Goldfajn will oversee the Bank’s operations and administration, chair the IDB Board of Executive Directors and the IDB Invest Board of Executive Directors, and lead the IDB Lab Donors Committee.
The Board of Governors is the highest authority of the Bank. Each member country appoints a governor, whose voting power is proportional to the Bank’s capital subscribed by his country. Governors are usually finance ministers, central bank presidents, or other high economic authorities.
Ilan Goldfajn is the seventh president of the IDB. Follow Reina Irene Mejía Chacón, president ai (September-November, 2022), Mauricio Claver-Carone (2020-2022); Luis Alberto Moreno (2005-2020); Enrique V. Iglesias (1988-2005); Antonio Ortiz Mena (1971-1988); and Felipe Herrera (1960-1971).