The Regulatory Unit for Energy and Water Services (URSEA) prepared and submitted a report to the government in October indicating that Super 95 naphtha (gasoline) should increase by $2.8 per liter, while Diesel 50S (diesel) it should rise $4.9, in order to stabilize the values next to the import parity property (PPI).
Last week, the undersecretary of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM), Walter Verri, had said that the PPI was going to push price adjustments “up and not down.”
However, the government decided not to execute what was recommended by the URSEA technical study and will keep the prices unchanged “to leverage” the economic recovery and as compensation for the increases in energy prices for the production chains.
Likewise, supergas will not rise either, and will be kept below the average price of the international market.
At the end of September, the MIEM had ordered a drop of $3 per liter, while it was decided to maintain the price of diesel and supergas.