The reduction of 0.84% in the sale values of Aviation Kerosene (QAV) from Petrobras to the distributors is valid as of today (1st). The company reported that this is the third drop in product prices. Previously, prices had fallen by 10.4% in September and 2.6% in August.
The company informed that the practice of the last 20 years indicates monthly adjustments of QAV prices, which are defined through a contractual formula negotiated with the distributors.
“Petrobras’ QAV sales prices for distribution companies seek balance with the international market and follow the variations in the value of the product and the exchange rate, up and down, with adjustments applied on a monthly basis, mitigating daily volatility international quotations and exchange rates”, he revealed.
The commercialization of the QAV is made by Petrobras only to the distributors. It is up to the distributors to transport and sell the product to air transport companies and other final consumers at airports or to resellers. “Distributors and resellers are responsible for the installations at the airports and for the supply services”, he observed.
“It is important to emphasize that the Brazilian market is open to free competition and there are no legal, regulatory or logistical restrictions for other companies to act as producers or importers of QAV,” he said.