The project to eliminate the Primaries, Open, Simultaneous and Obligatory (STEP) would be presented by deputy Luis Di Giacomo of the Together We Are Río Negro (JSRN) bloc.
From the ruling party they commented that the debate to eliminate the primary elections It will be open to all sectors that want to support the proposal. In the words of Di Giacomo: “We are paying for a survey (the STEP) to the big parties between all the taxpayers”.
Furthermore, Di Giacomo said about the elections: “We are finishing preparing the project to go directly from the subject of the STEP, just as we did in the province. He did not fulfill his function in any of the elections. Sometimes it is convenient for some, other times for others, it is not something that supposes a positive contribution to the system in general”.
The JSRN block is made up of Di Giacomo and Agustín Domingo. In turn, the bench is within the United Provinces interblock that adds two other deputies from the Missionary Concord Front.
In addition to these four representatives, the accompaniment of Rolando Figueroa of the Neuquén Popular Movement (MPN) will be sought. All of these would be allies of the ruling party.
As of today, the Frente de Todos has 118 deputies, which together with the four from the United Provinces and the MPN come to 123, so the ruling party is six deputies away from having a quorum.
Because for the 2023 election the STEP would benefit the opposition much more than the ruling party, is that the former need the primaries. One of the cases is that in Together for Change (JxC) they need to know in advance which of their three possible candidates for president (discounting Mauricio Macri) has more strength when gathering votes.
Statements by the main leaders
As far as STEP In this regard, the President of the Nation, Alberto Fernández, made inconclusive statements: “It is an open debate, but I do not want to comment on this because I am focused on other problems. I’m not thinking about the STEP neither in re-elections nor in what is the political and personal situation nor in my political space”.
To these words of the president, are added those of Axel Kicillof who said: “It is a debate that is taking place and that must be listened to in detail. As it is not a spring of the Province, I hope that our national deputies do it”.