The PSTU candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, Vera Lucia Pereira, said today (19) that, if elected, she will eliminate the transfer of public money to private companies that operate in the public sector. The candidate also stated that she was against the Administrative Reform proposal, which is currently being processed.
“We are going to strengthen public services. Therefore, we reject the proposal for Administrative Reform that is currently being processed in the National Congress. Its main objective is to deliver public services to the private sector. We’re going to do the opposite. We will eliminate any type of transfer of public money for services offered by the private sector”, said the candidate.
Vera stressed that 100% of the funds for health and education will be allocated to the public service. “We are going to guarantee better working conditions and better salaries for public servants, expand the offer of public services, which will generate new job vacancies that will be occupied by public servants”, she added.
Vera’s agenda today included the candidate’s participation in leafleting with workers at the Cimesa cement factory, in Laranjeiras (SE), interviews with Rádio Cultura in Aracajue and Rádio Neópolis FM, in Neópolis (SE).