The National Assembly (AN) declared this Tuesday during the ordinary session the Draft Agreement to declare the former Colombian presidents Álvaro Uribe Vélez and Iván Duque a public enemy of the country, in accordance with the provisions of article 111 of the Internal Regulations and Debates of the Venezuelan Parliament.
The president of the Legislative Branch, deputy Jorge Rodríguez (PSUV/Dtto. Capital) stated that the former Colombian presidents, Álvaro Uribe Vélez and Iván Duque, are indebted to the Venezuelans for so many murders and paramilitarism.
Rodríguez denounced that Uribe Vélez is related to paramilitarism, terrorism, drug trafficking, fascism and crime, “he owes Venezuela the murder of deputy Robert Serra, as well as that of the Venezuelan soldiers attacked and murdered on the border, for action of drug trafficking and paramilitarism.”
He pointed out that the former Colombian president must also have encouraged the actions of the Venezuelan extremist far-right, which are “his work, his children, his protégés, his hitmen. Juan Guaidó, María Machado and Leopoldo López, are Uribe Vélez’s hitmen. The last straw is that they dared to brazenly request a military intervention for Venezuela,” says the website of the National Assembly.
He suggested to Álvaro Uribe, Iván Duque and Leopoldo López to come forward with this request, and warned them that they will be expected by the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), together with the people, the police forces, honesty, decency, bravery and nobility of the Venezuelan people.
The president of the parliament pointed out in his speech before the plenary session that the fugitive from Venezuelan justice, Edmundo González Urrutia, will not be able to join this group because, according to his understanding, he suffered an accident in one of the streets of Washington, United States, where he was run over. for a motorcycle.
Deputy Pedro Carreño presented the Draft Agreement to Declare the “paramilitary, terrorist, drug trafficker, fascist, murderer, criminal and representative of the international extreme right, Álvaro Uribe Vélez” as a public enemy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Carreño made a brief chronological summary of Uribe’s actions in favor of the Colombian drug trafficking cartels, especially Pablo Escobar Gaviria. “The list fell short,” said Carreño, observing that during the reading of the crimes that characterize the former Colombian far-right president Uribe, there was an intensified murmur in the plenary session, refers to the state channel.
“Uribe has worked for the Medellín cartel and is a friend of Pablo Escobar, and I’m not saying it, the declassified DEA document says it,” said Carreño.
He read the DEA report from 1991, which establishes a summary of the most important Colombian drug traffickers hired by the cartels for their drug business and selective murders. “And here we read that Colombian drug trafficker number 82 is none other than Álvaro Uribe Vélez, collaborator of the cartel from high levels of the State and narcotics activities.”
Furthermore, Carreño said, Uribe must be declared an enemy of humanity, because he was the creator of the false positives, and is the origin of the evil that supported paramilitary structures that caused the death of more than 40 thousand Colombians in Colombia. “He is the same Uribe Vélez from the mass graves, like La Macarena, where more than 5 thousand remains of corpses were found,” he denounced.
“What is the straw that breaks the camel’s back? On January 11, from the border, Uribe requests a military intervention against Venezuela and, to top it all off, he says: ‘What we ask for is military intervention endorsed by the UN,’” Carreño refers to the curious recent words of the former Colombian president.
Carreño warned that it is no coincidence that after these statements by Uribe, in the border sector of Catatumbo, the murders of Colombians and displaced civilians begin to flee to Venezuela, where hundreds of families fleeing the surprising violence are being cared for.
“We are in the presence of a Trojan Horse to inoculate Colombian paramilitaries in Venezuela,” warned the deputy, in reference to the attempt to invade the Bolivarian country with an excuse that involves the UN.
He warned that the former Colombian Foreign Minister, Murillo, recently resigned from office, has reported that he will take this “conflict” to the UN Security Council so that it becomes internationalized and it is determined that, to eradicate the problem, the Colombian borders must be crossed with the invasion of the so-called “blue helmets”.
“From this parliament we raise our voice so that this abhorrent Uribe is declared a public enemy of the Homeland of Bolívar,” Carreño urged after presenting the initial project, which was expanded and approved by all partisan factions in parliament.
For his part, the first vice president of the AN, deputy Pedro Infante, proposed including former president Iván Duque in the Draft Agreement to Declare him an enemy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela “with the same qualifications: paramilitary, terrorist, drug trafficker, fascist, “murderer, criminal and representative of the international extreme right,” said Infante.
In addition, Infante made reference to declassified United States (US) national security files that contain a list of almost 90 drug traffickers in which Uribe Vélez appears as number 82. Likewise, he summarized part of the negative file of the family of drug traffickers to whom which belongs to the former Colombian president, in which he appears responsible for thousands of murders including those of the Patriotic Union in Comuna 13 in Medellín and the most of 5,000 victims of false positives, as well as paramilitarism, more than 300 massacres in Colombian territory and at least 43 investigations in the accusations commission of the House of Representatives, AVN reports.
“We from this assembly tell those two if there is a military intervention, I hope you two come to the front. I hope you come to Venezuelan soil to confront them with this united people, with our Bolivarian National Armed Forces, with the popular military-police fusion and millions of men and women who are willing to give our lives in defense of the homeland,” expressed Pedro Infante.

The agreement approved unanimously in plenary indicates that these characters are part of a systematic plan to attack the sovereignty, peace and self-determination of the Venezuelan people, “in their desperate attempt to militarily intervene in the Bolivarian homeland in order to generate death, chaos and political destabilization in the country, whose fundamental objective is to unsuccessfully overthrow the legitimate and constitutional government presided over by citizen Nicolás Maduro Moros.”
Likewise, it contemplates defending Venezuela, a free and independent Nation that bases its moral heritage and its heritage of freedom on the doctrine of the Liberator Simón Bolívar.
For his part, deputy Alfonso Campos showed his support for the agreement, highlighting that it refers to an issue of principles of sovereignty and stated that as a representative of the nationalist opposition “we will never accept actions that go against sovereignty, territorial integrity, with “the intention to invade the sacred soil of the Republic.”
During his speech, the parliamentarian proposed to the parliamentary board to urge the Public Ministry to charge Uribe Vélez for the apology of the crime contemplated in international law and to request his extradition.
The entrance AN declares former Colombian presidents Álvaro Uribe and Iván Duque public enemies of the country was first published in Latest News.