In the last few hours, the AEUTEC issued a statement through which they regret and repudiate the content of the bill of the Executive Power regarding the “reduction of autonomy and extinction of co-government in UTEC”, and that as a consequence “annuls the real participation of students in the collective construction of a Technological University that is fairer, more democratic, profoundly critical and purposeful with the processes that society is going through”.
For this reason, the organized students declare themselves on “alert” and ask the educational community in general for support in defense of university autonomy and co-government at UTEC, established since December 28, 2012 in Law No. 19,043.
At the same time, they demand that the provisional authorities “complete definitively with their mission, mandated ten years after the creation of the UTEC, and respect article 199 of the Law of Urgent Consideration (LUC) that establishes as a maximum term the 1st of December 2002 for the call for elections and implementation of the co-government”.
“We defend that being a student is not only going through the race and receiving classes, it is also being part of the University, its co-government and the various spaces for participation and collective construction”, indicates the student union in its statement.
For this reason, they express that it is essential that students are in the front row “defending the co-government and autonomy” of the Technological University “denying its irregularities, exposing those who in the enjoyment of public function hinder the guarantees and rights of all the students of the institution.
restlessness and alarm
“We are concerned and alarmed that the autonomy of our University is not respected, by proposing management ‘options’ whose purpose is to extinguish the participation of those who give meaning to the institution, annihilating the debate and further cracking situations of union persecution, harassment sexual, moral and harassment of students and other university actors”, they denounce.
AEUTEC warns the educational community against various intentions to “distort, question and weaken the importance of co-government and participation as a tool for change”.
“We, the students, decide our future, we do that future by defending participation and co-government,” said the UTEC student union.