This day the first session of debate was held in the Commission of Maritime Interests, Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Senate that analyzes the project that seeks to annul the Fisheries Law presented during the first government of Sebastian Pinera by the Minister of Economy at that time, Paul Longueiraafter the failure of what should have been the first session on August 10 due to a lack of quorum.
On that occasion, the missing parliamentarians were: Ivan Moreira (UDI), Alexander Kusanović (Independent -RN), Jorge Soria (Independent- PPD) and fidel espinoza ().
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The president of the instance, Daniel Nunez (PC), denounced the event through its social networks, calling it “unpresentable” and “scandalous”.
Moreira’s intervention
The senator of the Independent Democratic Union (UDI), Ivan Moreira, summoned Núñez for exposing his absence in the first session of the commission. “We are in the Senate, not in the Chamber of Deputies, here we do not accept bullying,” he said.
Likewise, he specified that if it were not an election period “he would have presented a censorship,” but he will not do so simply because “I do not want to victimize him as the parliamentarians of the commission are attacking him.”
Although what generated controversy in social networks was the request made by the parliamentarian on the so-called Longueira Law. “A new law is one thing, and here I use the regulation to point out the unconstitutionality of this bill. There is no annulment, there is a repeal and (…) this urgency is done on the occasion of the next plebiscite,” he closed his speech .
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