He Circulation Permit It is a document that allows drivers to move with their vehicle on the streets of the country legally. This document must be renewed from time to time, and must also be paid.
Below we will tell you how much it will cost to request the Circulation Permit in 2025. Below are all the details that you should take into account.
What is the Circulation Permit?
He Circulation Permit It is an annual tax that all property owners must pay. automobiles in Chile to be able to circulate through the streets of the country.
When does the Circulation Permit cost?
In order to know the value of your Circulation Permityou just have to enter the website that enabled Autofact. In this you must indicate the make of the vehicle, the model and the year of manufacture. The next step will be to select the “search” option.
Next, you will be able to know the value of the Circulation Permitin addition to a possible appraisal of the car in question.

What vehicles must apply for a Circulation Permit?
The vehicles that must request the Circulation Permit are:
- Private automobiles.
- Luxury rental cars, cars or special services.
- Motorcycles.
- Vans.
- Ambulances.
- Funeral carriages.
- Station wagons.
- Vans.
- Carts and trailers to be coupled to motorized vehicles, up to 1,750 kilograms of load capacity, half unit.
What happens if I don’t pay the Circulation Permit?
In case you drive with a Circulation Permit Without paying or overdue, you risk a fine between 1 and 1.5 UTM with the possibility that the vehicle will be transferred to the municipal corrals where they can even remove the vehicle from circulation.