The regions of The North and South Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua are the territories that have made the greatest progress in vaccination against covid-19 in the last four monthsreveal immunization data published in the recent update of the Health Mapwhich collects information from the 19 Silais in the country.
According to an analysis of these figures, compiled by CONFIDENTIAL in a database, vaccination in Silais de Bilwi increased 179% between April and July of this year, Well, this territory that includes the municipalities of Puerto Cabezas, Waspam and Prinzapolka, went from having 53,985 citizens vaccinated with two doses, until March 22, 2022, to add 151,135, as of July 29. According to these figures, 53.7% of the population older than two years completed the scheme.
The other Silais that registered a considerable increase was Central Zelaya, which covers the territories of El Rama, Muelle de los Bueyes, El Coral and Nueva Guinea. According to the Minsa, 100% of the inhabitants have already been immunized with both doses. In a previous analysis of vaccination coverage, the Minsa revealed that, until March, the vaccinated population was 90,027, but four months later they report a total of 171,174 immunized with two doses.
The Silais de Las Minas, which covers Bonanza, Rosita, Siuna, Mulukukú and Paiwas, went from reporting 117,783 vaccinated with a complete schedule until March 2022, to registering 180,066. With this advancethe Minsa assures that 67.64% of its inhabitants completed the vaccination scheme.
Meanwhile, the Silais of the South Caribbean, which includes La Cruz de Río Grande, El Tortuguero, Kukra Hill, Bluefields, Laguna de Perlas, the mouth of the Río Grande and Corn Island, it was the Caribbean region that had made the least progress in the last four months. According to the Minsa, until March there was a 45.18% of the vaccinated population and in four months rose to 53.74%.
The update by Silais does not reveal the booster dose figures or the “2022 schemes” that the authorities have been applying since November 2021, and as revealed CONFIDENTIALwould be being used to raise the general percentage of vaccination against covid-19.
In total, the Minsa assures that, until last July 29, 11.6 million doses were applied throughout the national territory. With these they vaccinated 87.79% of Nicaraguans with two doses, and 93.70% with one, lor which places the country among the nations with the highest percentage of immunized people on the continent. However, these figures are questioned due to their opacity.
North and Center of the country with a high percentage of vaccination
The northern and central regions of Nicaragua register a high percentage of vaccination between 72.5% and 98.5%, according to the Minsa. The Silais with the greatest coverage is Matagalpa, in which 665,488 people have already been immunized with two doses and 665,863 with at least one.
Nueva Segovia, the department hardest hit by the second wave of covid-19, reached 95.2% of its population vaccinated. Jinotega has 89.11% of its inhabitants inoculated, Estelí 83% and Boaco 82.3%.
The Silais de Madriz was one of the territories that had less progress in vaccination during the last four months, official data revealed. As of March, 118,595 inhabitants had been vaccinated, and in July the figure rose to 139,764. This department has a percentage of 79% immunized.
In Chontales, the percentage of vaccinated with two doses is 78.3% and in Río San Juan 72.5%, according to the Minsa.
Managua reports 1.3 million vaccinated
The Pacific region of Nicaragua is the one with a high percentage of the population fully vaccinated. Managua, which hopes to vaccinate 1.5 million people over two years of age, has already managed to immunize 86.8% of its inhabitants.
While, León has already managed to vaccinate 92.36% of its inhabitants; Carazo at 87%; Rivas at 82.9%; Pomegranate at 82.3%; Masaya at 82.16%; and the Silais Chinandega to 725.2% of its population.
Nicaragua has 18.2 million vaccines against covid-19, including ten types from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Janssen, Sinopharm and even CovIran, Sputnik V and Light, Soberana, Abdala, among others. 51.6% of these lots were donations sent through the Covax Mechanism and the remaining 48.3% were purchases from Russia, Cuba and the PAHO Revolving Fund.