Pursuant to Executive Decree No. 16 of July 26, 2022, which establishes the maximum gross marketing margin for some imported products, the Authority for Consumer Protection and Defense of Competition (ACODECO) reported the following:
- Applies only for retail trade and for imported products.
- If the trade sells a single presentation of the products listed in the decreeit must be sold with the maximum gross marketing margin.
- If the trade sells more than one presentation of the products listed in the decreeyou must sell at least one of the presentations higher consumption with the maximum gross marketing margin.
- When the presentation is exhausted of greater consumption offered with the gross margin of commercialization, the establishment must place for sale with the gross margin of commercialization, the next presentation of higher consumption.
- Imported products subject to the maximum gross marketing margin must be duly identified with a “talker” that facilitates the consumer’s identification of the product.