The credit risk center Data Credit Experian, launched the platform called “foreign identity validation”. This solution makes it possible to confirm whether the type of document and identification number of a foreign citizen residing in Colombia are valid and coincide with the official information source, allowing identity validation by the different entities that are interested in offering products and credit services to that population.
(Read: The financial products that adults use the most in Colombia).
The main population that benefits from this service are Venezuelan migrants, people who have a transitory document that Colombia granted in mass migration PEP (Special Permanence Permit) or who have the new PPT (Temporary Protection Permit) issued by Migration Colombia.
The latter is a document with high security and technology standards that Venezuelan citizens obtain after a rigorous verification process. before Colombian Migration.
According to Clariana Carreño, Country Manager of DataCrédito Experian: “The platform that was built from DataCrédito allows the data of people with types of documents CE (Cédula de Extranjería), PEP and PPT to be validated against the information from the official source (Colombian Migration), generating benefits for these people so that have access to benefits such as health, work, education and financial services, additionally, benefits to companies such as fraud prevention, improvement in linking processes and quality in databases”.
DataCrédito Experian worked hand in hand with Migración Colombia in its role as data provider to carry out the corresponding validation, and to consolidate this project with the purpose of developing a service and promote tools so that entities such as banks, cooperatives, insurers, among others, can have a solution at hand to corroborate the identity of the migrant population, promoting with these initiatives the financial inclusion of those who need it most.
(Also: In Colombia, 9 out of 10 adults have a financial product).
The “foreign identity validation” platform makes updated identification data available to holders of information, in this case of the migrant population, which allows entities to grant credit by controlling the level of risk, and allows people to acquire financial obligations that allows them to improve their living conditions, promoting financial inclusion and national economic development, assured the Country Manager of DataCrédito Experian.