Since the year of reactivation was cataloged as 2021, after this Tuesday the Dane revealed the results of growth of the national economy that was 10.6% last year.
(Colombian economy grew 10.6% in 2021).
The vice president and chancellor, Marta Lucía Ramírez, was one of the first to react after knowing the growth data.
“2021 was the year of the Colombian economic reactivation! According to Dane, GDP growth was 10.6%, the highest in our recent history and the third highest in the region; 2.8% above pre-pandemic levels”said the vice president.
In turn, the Minister of Finance José Manuel Retrepo highlighted that the historical growth of 10.6% of GDP in 2021 is recognition of the resilience of a Nation that recovered from a pandemic by working as a team.
“#EsConEchos that we managed to reactivate our economy and consolidate ourselves as one of the countries with the best growth”Restrepo pointed out on his Twitter account.
For Sandra Forero, president of Camacol, that the great result of the economic activity for 2021 and the 10.6% growth in GDP compared to 2020, show that the economic recovery of the country is firm.
Hernando José Gómez, president of Asobancaria, said about the growth of the economy in 2021 that “The growth of 10.6% in 2021 is the result of a joint effort by businessmen, workers, the government and the financial sector. Now, we must translate that performance into closing social gaps and opportunities to generate income and quality employment”.
Likewise, Jaime Alberto Cabal, president of Fenalco, expressed that the result made official by Dane is very positive for the country.
“We hope that this year trade will remain dynamic, although it should be mentioned that the Fenalco survey in January showed a slight slowdown in sales growth and a decrease in businessmen’s optimism. The great challenge for this year will be the recovery of employment”he concluded.
Of last year’s growth, he highlighted that household consumption was a great protagonist, growing 14.1% in the year. By type of goods, the fastest growing was the semi-durable segment, 40.7%, highly influenced by the days without VAT, which were dates that gave the economy a boost during 2021.
It also drew attention that in the fourth quarter there was a “extraordinary behavior of artistic and entertainment activities, which are those that characterize the orange economy, 31.7%”.
For her part, the director of the Colombo-American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham Colombia), María Claudia Lacouture, said that last year’s data is positive and added that it is essential that activity be maintained to maintain the sustainability of the economic reactivation process. in order to face 2022.
(Dane revised down economic growth for 2019 and 2020.)
“We have to understand that economic growth in Colombia and in the rest of the world was mainly due to the contraction produced after the pandemic confinement and the sharp reduction in economic activity. The result is good, above the international average, but it is still a conjunctural index, although it is very important that the activity is maintained and that we continue with full productivity”.
He also stated that to maintain a positive GDP in 2022, a good political decision in elections is required.
“The sustainability of the economic reactivation process to keep the GDP in positive numbers in 2022, in addition to good macroeconomic management to control inflation, generate more formal jobs, requires a good political decision, so that the positive perspectives of the country by national and international analysts and that foreign investment has long-term legal certainty and avoid the temptation to fall into the trap of populist proposals that are gimmicky but affect the path traveled in recovery”, Lacouture said.