Ygnacio Sanchez; “Young people are the present”

Ygnacio Sánchez, a 25-year-old justice official and UNA law student, is running for deputy for Asunción for the “Republican Fervor” movement of Andrés Gubetich, former head of IPS.

During the past year, he had already been a candidate for councilor for Asunción but he did not overcome the internal red ones. However, he was the youngest candidate to lead the lists of the 16 movements that were presented. Since the others were over 30 years old. He affirms that “young people are not the future but the present”.

Who is Ygnacio “Nacho” Sánchez?

He is a young man who works in the private sector, currently a professional justice officer. He is as a candidate for deputy for the capital. He is part of the list of the “Republican Fervor” movement, which is list 21, option 7. I am a very empathetic person, that is why I decided to get involved in politics. I really saw that at the time when the zero tariff law 6628/20 was promoted, with that law I opened my eyes and realized that youth could be a tool for change. At the time we promoted that law with other young people. Which by the way was incomplete and when it reaches deputies we will present the modifications.

Why do you want to be a deputy?

Because I realized that I can be a tool for change and due to the fact that the faces of Congress must be renewed, regardless of the factor of change, I believe that the need for new faces in Congress with prepared young people is imperative. If we make a comparison between traditional political actors and young politicians, we can find abysmal differences in preparation. I believe that Congress needs prepared people.

Was that your main motivation?

At the time in 2020, with a group of young people, we promoted Law 6628/20, which provides free access to all public universities in the country. That law was approved, then it was promulgated by President Mario Abdo Benítez but it was incomplete. So the intention is to reach deputies to modify that law and that access to public university can be for all Paraguayans without any distinction.

What will be your first actions if elected?

Mainly the modification of law 6628/20, so that there are no obstacles for Paraguayans to have free access to public education. On the other hand, a greater contingency of psychologists, we know that in one way or another, the pandemic affected and we must reinforce professional psychologists from all health institutes. If I want to attend a psychologist, the first thing is which appointment I am not going to find because there is not the necessary capacity of professional psychologists. My commitment is to increase the number of professional psychologists in the health area, on the other hand to reactivate the economy, promote the orange economy model carried out by the municipality of São Paulo to adopt that model. On the other hand, there is the aspect of the first job, the young person finishes the first job and has the barrier of not finding a job. Therefore, I want to promote the law of the first job for young people and higher salaries for teachers. I believe that teachers are a fundamental piece for the development of the population. And they must be well so that young people have a good education.

How did you get into politics?

My incursion occurs after my candidacy for councilman. I was approached by the “Republican Fervor” movement to offer me to be a candidate and like all politicians I accepted the challenge. Andrés Gubetich offered me, he is the leader of the movement. Apparently he was following me, because with a month to go before the closing of candidacies he proposes that they integrate the list of deputies by capital.

What other projects do you want to promote?

Apart from the first job law, there is also promoting the electromobility law, and a law that can reduce the tariff on the cost of electricity. Because of all the countries in the world, we are the only ones to produce renewable electricity per capita. Therefore, it is incongruous that we have that capacity and as inhabitants we pay a fortune for electricity. Even Brazil, which buys electricity from us, pays less. Why don’t we have a public policy according to what it means to exploit the country’s resources well? That it is possible, it is possible, it is a matter of having good deputies and senators, more patriotic.


Full name: Ygnacio Daniel Sanchez Duarte

Place of birth: Assumption

Date of Birth: 10/17/1996

University: National University of Asuncion.

Family: Engaged to Anabeth Wentzensen, no children.

Positions held: Director YC Gestiones, Justice officer.

Hobbies: Play soccer, enjoy family time and drive.

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