Yandy Ruiz Martínez

“Yandy Ruiz Martínez does not work for State Security or for anyone”

Havana Cuba. – Cardenense Yandy Ruiz Martínez, before being sent to jail for participating in the protests that took place on July 11, 2021was a coachman in the tourist center of Varadero, where he offered rides to tourists.

However, while he is currently waiting to be placed in a work center for prisoners, he does not know if he will be able to return to his job once he completes his sentence.

“I worked in a garage in Varadero. The comment that there is is that they are not going to let me work because I have a criminal record,” Ruiz Martínez denounced in a telephone conversation with CubaNet.

The interviewee also explained that he has not yet reported to his workplace because he is waiting to serve out the remaining four months of his sentence, which he will spend under a “correctional work with internment” regimen.

“I don’t know what will happen, I think they have to give me my job. I did go out the day of the march, but at no time did I fight with any police, I did not throw stones, I did not steal anything… so they have to give me my job, ”she demands.

Ruiz Martínez was detained for eight and a half months, starting on July 18, 2021. Recently, he benefited from a change of measure and was sent home to wait to be admitted to a work center for inmates.

“They fired me for three years for public disorder and verbal contempt, which I don’t know what it was because I never said anything against the government. They released me now with a change of measure and I have to wait the four months that I have left in a TCI camp [Trabajo Correccional con Internamiento]”, Explain.

Likewise, he details that during four of the eight months that he was imprisoned, he was unable to receive family visits or food because the prison authorities prohibited it.

“I spent six days handcuffed on the floor, sleeping on the floor – a rustic floor – covered with crabs, frogs. I saw blows, I saw that they loosened teeth, they even hit sticks, ”she assured.

The young man also said that the authorities asked him to “work” for the political police. “I told them that it was for pleasure with me, that Yandy Ruiz Martínez did not work for State Security, or for anyone.”

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