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June 15, 2022
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Workers of the Valparaíso Psychiatric Hospital go on strike due to the complaint of torture by Minister Yarza: “We are completely damaged”

The officials of the Salvador Psychiatric Hospital of the Valparaíso commune decided to paralyze their functions after the complaint presented by the Minister of Health, Maria Begona Yarzabefore the prosecution for alleged torture in the health center.

With the slogan “Minister, listen, there is no torture here” Hospital workers demonstrated through the streets of the port city causing traffic cuts to show their discontent against the health authority.

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The psychiatrist and representative of the Medical Chapter of the hospital, Alexandra Voigturged the Secretary of State to “make a public statement, that the human rights of our patients are not tortured, nor have they been tortured, nor have they been violated. Any work or dialogue that the minister requests of us It will have to be after that act of reparation, because the minister has deeply damaged the image of our hospital.”

Specifically, request that the minister present a document to the prosecution that indicates that she withdraws what was said in the complaint that was already delivered to the Public Ministry, therefore it cannot be withdrawn. “Instead, she wrote a letter in which she did not clearly retract and also added a report from the SEREMI,” Voigt said.

“The minister has destroyed our image as public officials, committed to quality care, despite the working conditions in which the State of Chile has had us for years. We demand that our image be repaired, for our users, for the community all of Valparaíso, which has been broken and damaged,” the hospital representative told Third.

This decision -as reported by the media- came after an open assembly in which the campus officials chose to mobilize and suspend admissions, consultancies, requests for expertise in the forensic unit, admissions to home hospitalization and to the children’s and youth unit. Only ethical shifts will be available for hospitalized patients, in addition to the delivery of prescriptions to open care patients.

On the other hand, the basic president of the Democratic Federation of University Health Professionals (Fedeprus) of El Salvador, Milena Rojasassured that “we are completely damaged. Our image as officials is stigmatized, and also that of the users themselves (…) they are even afraid to go to the hospital thinking that human rights violations can be carried out. We are not going to do that.” allow. In our hospital there is no torture and we want the minister to appear at the hospital, to know the reality that we have”.

freddy riffo, president of the hospital’s Unitary Fenats, commented that a worker who wore the hospital’s logo was attacked by people after the minister’s complaint. “Nothing more than the statements made by the minister, that we torture patients. Nothing could be further from the truth (…) The minister has to make amends to our officials so that we can once again have confidence in the State” , held.

He also added that “we are exposed to the violence of the population, who no longer believe us,” emphasizing that the place “cares for patients from the PRAIS program who were tortured (during the dictatorship), and this goes very deep for that service department.

The president of the national Fenats, Jenny Bernalesindicated that in the meeting between Yarza and the representatives of the hospital unions, a letter was delivered to him, which has not yet been answered, adding that they were not satisfied with the appointment.

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