With projection of the World Bank, AMLO will not fulfill promise of growth

With projection of the World Bank, AMLO will not fulfill promise of growth

The World Bank estimates that the Mexican economy will grow at a rate of 1.7% per year in 2022, 1.9% in 2023 and 2% in 2024. If these expectations are met, then it could be said that it is impossible for President López Obrador to keep his promise campaign to grow at a rate of 4% per year.

In fact, taking into account the estimated growth rates of the World Bank, López Obrador’s six-year term will end with an average growth of 0.3% per year.

This is far from the promises made in the government’s National Development Plan, which predicted that at the end of the six-year term there would be:

“A country with a changed spirit for the better, a population aware of its ability to shape history, with a radical improvement in its levels of well-being and security with respect to those that prevailed in 2018, with healthy, reliable and respectful institutions of laws and with a participatory society involved in the exercise of public power. The strengthening of ethical principles will be accompanied by an economic development that will have reached a growth rate of 6 percent by then, with a six-year average of 4 percent.“, National Development Plan 2019-2024 .

Comparison with past six-year terms

The Mexican economy grew an annual average of 2.4% during the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto, a figure far from what was promised with the approval of the structural reforms, of between five and six percent.

The average annual growth registered during Peña Nieto’s six-year term was also higher than that of the Felipe Calderón and Vicente Fox periods of 1.7% and 2%, respectively.

Thus, the average GDP growth of López Obrador’s six-year term would be the lowest in this century. It is important to mention that he was especially affected by the pandemic, whose economic effect was an 8.2% drop in Gross Domestic Product.

Felipe Calderón’s six-year term was also marked by the international financial crisis that, in 2009, caused a drop in GDP of 5.3%. The following year the rebound caused a growth of 5.1%.

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