Today: July 27, 2024
July 20, 2022
2 mins read

What the Uruguayan who represented the PIT-CNT said in a United Nations political forum


The PIT-CNT participated in the United Nations High Level Political Forum (UN) in New York and had a speaker representing the trade union center and the social organizations of Uruguay. In her oratory, she mentioned several aspects of the policies developed by the current government of Luis Lacalle Pou and demanded more resources for the comprehensive law on gender violence.

This year, the union central was in charge of presenting before the rest of the participating countries and the oratory was in charge of Viviana Rumbo, member of the International Relations Secretariat of the PIT-CNT.

During his presentation, he pointed out that the local social organizations valued the efforts of “society and the government to overcome the covid-19as well as managing the health crisis with universal access to vaccines and unemployment insurance”, which was implemented to deal with the drop in activity that caused the virus.

He indicated that in order to get the Economic recovery and social post-covid, the government must “guarantee sufficient resources and institutional management for monitoring and broad social dialogue, particularly in education, at all levels.”

Resources for violence against women

In another section of his presentation, published by the PIT-CNT, Rumbo referred to the violence against women In uruguay. “The comprehensive law on gender violence does not have funding for its full implementation, while femicides continue to increase,” she said. And there, referring to the Uruguayan government, he asked: “What measures and with what part of the National Budget will this serious problem be addressed?

The trade union center and the social organizations raised before the UN the need to “establish redistributive public policies that transfer income from the richest sectors to the poorest, including minimum living wages and equal pay policies”. Also the development ofemployment policies specifically for people with disabilities, review the youth employment approach and consider other approaches such as better links between studies and work”. In addition, he stated that Uruguay must reactivate the national climate change policy and guarantee resources for its development.

They also raised the need to “establish redistributive public policies that transfer income from the richest sectors to the poorest, including minimum living wages and policies for equal pay“, develop “specific employment policies for People with disabilitiesreview the youth employment approach and consider other approaches such as better links between studies and work, reactivate the National Climate Change Policy and the Participatory National Response System, and guarantee sufficient resources for its implementation”.

Rumbo dedicated another passage of his speech to criticize the government’s policies during the health emergency. “It showed its success in reducing the fiscal deficit in the midst of a pandemic, thus impacting the well-being of society,” he questioned.

“It reduced social, food and housing policies that are essential to be able to support the most submerged sectors and those affected by the crisis,” he added.

In the last passage of his speech, Rumbo demanded the realization of “financial, political and legal commitments to ensure full compliance with the 2030 Agenda, as well as the need to strengthen our democratic system and face the covid-19 crisis from a global perspective. based on Human Rights, with strategies that effectively incorporate the trade union movement and social movements”.

The UN meeting is held annually and the countries report there on the achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2030.

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