The Natural Gas Vehicle or CNG It is the only fuel in Peru that maintained greater stability in its prices compared to others such as gasoline and diesel, whose prices rose during the current year as a result of the international rise in Petroleum and the refined.
In an analysis of the trend of fuel prices Gonzalo Tamayo, managing partner of Macroconsult, notes that, During the last five years, CNG is the only fuel in our country that has managed to maintain price stability, with values below S/.1.60 per cubic meter.. The variation in its price in relation to 2021 is minimal, which represents great savings for users.
The specialist indicated that this situation is mainly due to the characteristics of the value chain of this market, which differ widely from those of traditional fuels such as gasoholes, LPG and diesel.
The main characteristic of the NGV market compared to that of fossil fuels, whose demand is mainly covered by imports, is that Peru is a producer of this resource and its price is regulated, reaching marketers with a single price.
This situation allows the variation of prices from one service station to another to be minimal and that in this last link of the chain the conditions of free market and high competition are maintained.
The specialist indicates that in the case of fuels derived from oil, the same has not happened, since, being importers, prices are affected by international trends in which an increase in oil of up to 118% has been evidenced. per barrel and a refining crisis that has increased the production margins of finished fuels in the world.
For example, LPG and gasohols of 90 and 95 recorded very significant increases. If in June 2021 LPG had a final price of S/.7.13 per liter, as of June 2022, its price is around S/. 9.01 per liter. In gasoholes the increase is even greater.
Gasohol of 90 was purchased at S/.11.70 per gallon in June 2021, and this year it amounted to S/. 17.67 per gallon. With gasohol of 95 the situation is similar, it went from June 2021 from S/.12.57 per gallon to S/. 20.02 per gallon in June 2022.
Keep in mind
- In order for CNG to reach more Peruvians and for them to have it as a fuel alternative in transportation, it is necessary to continue promoting supply, that is, to have more stations that ensure supply.
- “To date, about 86% of service stations that sell CNG are located in Metropolitan Lima, followed by Ica with 5.6% and Callao with 4.4%”, Tamayo pointed out.