The Ministry of Education (Minedu) has given the green light so that public and private universities can gradually offer face-to-face and blended classes again.
With the publication of Vice Ministerial Resolution No. 015-2022-MINEDU, hybrid teaching models will be exceptionally implemented, in strict compliance with the prevention and control measures for the COVID-19 pandemic.
In that sense, what can be expected from the pensions that will be collected this year after the start of classes in the coming months?
According to the latest report from Grupo Educación al Futuro (GEF), pensions (for periods of 5 months or installments) have remained at their same levels since 2019 (pre-pandemic period), with slight increases of 5% in some cases.
“A first action of private universities was to make an average discount of 10% in pensions, which was equivalent to returning to the pensions that they received between 2018 or 2019. Additionally, many universities expanded their pension scales fundamentally incorporating new ones of lower cost, In practice, it is a segmented discount, which allows students to be recruited from a wider range of the population.”, the organization noted.
“The expansion of scales has allowed, for example, that in the case of the Pacific University its most economical scale is reduced from S/ 2,013 to S/ 1,153, with an intermediate of S/ 1,566, or the Scientific University of the South reduces its most economical pension from S/ 1,389 to S/ 930 for their Nursing and Obstetrics careers, the Cayetano Heredia University whose cheaper pension for Biomedical Engineer reduced from S/ 1,928 to S/ 1,540, this strategy of maintaining or reducing the lowest pensions has allowed attract students from lower-income strata than the usual ones, thus retaining or recovering students, a strategy that has ultimately made it possible to alleviate desertion”, he added.
Below is the list of private universities with the most expensive pensions in Metropolitan Lima:
college | License plates/) | Number of stops | Minimum and maximum pension (S/) |
University of the Pacific (UP) | 245 | 6 | 1,143-4,985 |
Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC) | Variable* | 8 | 1,114-4,728 |
Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University (UPCH) | Variable | 6 | 920-4,500 |
Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) | Variable | 9 | 1,157-4,435 |
University of Engineering and Technology (UTEC) | Variable | 5 | 1,919-4,053 |
ESAN University | 350 | 5 | 1,531-4,034 |
Lima University | 240 | 5 | 1,609-3,570 |
San Martin de Porres University (USMP) | 530 | 18 | 882-3,083 |
Ricardo Palma University (URP) | Variable | 4 | 1,415-2,600 |
Cesar Vallejo University (UCV) | 350 | 3 | 350-1,100 |
* The cost of registration varies depending on the course taken