When commenting on the launch of a new axis of the Forest + Program, the Minister of the Environment, Joaquim Leite, defended that, when the subject is preservation, it is necessary to take the focus away only from the trees and put it on those who take care of the trees. “This is the solution: pay those who take care of the forest”, he said.
“It is a national program of payments for environmental services. Will suit all biomes. All biomes have native vegetation, each with its own characteristic. All must be recognized. And those who protect must be recognized and remunerated”, he highlighted, in an interview with the program Brasil em Pauta.
The proposal of the portfolio, according to the minister, is the payment for the provision of environmental services of those who preserve the environment. “We have to create the native forest farmer. The one who will be paid, well paid, for the activity of taking care of the forest”, he reinforced.
Leite recalled that, in the case of legal reserves and permanent preservation areas (APP), the Brazilian Forest Code already provides benefits for those who care for the environment. The idea is to expand this to areas of native forest, where it is possible to manage with low impact and guarantee the preservation of biodiversity.
“I don’t think this was ever explored very well during the climate conference. [COP26]. The focus has always been on the tree and little on the people who take care of the tree and who do this protection. This change in focus can bring a solution not only to Brazil, but globally, to conserve biodiversity, to protect native forests and wetlands.”
THE Brazil on the agenda airs this Sunday (6th), at 7:30 pm, on TV Brazil.