The PSTU candidate for the presidency of the Republic, Vera Lucia Pereira, defended today (27) the end of the Spending Ceiling, established by Constitutional Amendment nº 95 of 2016, which limits the spending of the three federal powers until 2036. According to the candidate , the measure is “catastrophic” and causes damage to vital areas of the country.
“The spending cap is catastrophic and needs to be reviewed and annulled. It means fewer resources for health, education, and other vital areas that already suffer from scrapping and abandonment. The objective of the ceiling is to continue the deepening of the fiscal adjustment, withdrawing billions from public services to guarantee the payment of the public debt to bankers”, said Vera.
The candidate stressed that the impact of inflation added to the Spending Ceiling caused the dismantling of social protection in the country. “The ceiling, which froze the limit of government spending, and inflation were a very harsh attack that dismantled the little social protection that exists today in Brazil. This urgently needs to change,” she added.
The PSTU candidate’s agenda today included a campaign and leafleting in Canto da Viração, in São Luís, and participation in live from the Alma Preta Portal.