Uruguay had a decrease in the Human Development Index (HDI) from 0.821 to 0.809 in 2021your dlargest decline since the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) began studying this variable in 1990according to the 2021 Human Development report published by the UNDP.
However, the country remains the third with the highest HDI in South America, below Chile and Argentinaand is in the rank 58 out of 191 countries in the worldwithin the range of an HDI considered as “very high” that make up 66 nations.
According to the UNDP, this index, which is measured from 0 to 1, “It is a summary measure of the long-term evaluation of progress in three basic dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, access to education, and a decent standard of living”, details the report.
“Long and healthy life” is measured by the Life expectancywhich in Uruguay is 75.4 years.
Knowledge, on the other hand, measures two variables: “mean years of schooling for the adult population” and the “expected years of schooling for children of school entry age”. In the first indicator, Uruguay has 16.8 years on averageand in the second it has 8 years expecteda difference of almost 7 years between the average education of an adult and what a child is expected to be educated today.
Lastly, the “decent standard of living” reflects the Gross National Income (GNI) per capita, which the report expresses “in constant 2011 international dollars” converted at purchasing power parity. The GNI per capita of Uruguay is $21,269.
The Program also conducts a Inequality-adjusted HDI (IHDI)which discounts an average value of all the variables studied “according to their level of inequality in distribution”. Uruguay had an inequality loss of 12.2%so that its IDHI reaches a 0.710.
UNDP valued that Uruguay was the country “with less loss due to inequality in the Latin America and the Caribbean region”.
Uruguay also obtained a value of 0.235 in the Gender Inequality Index, which places it as the country number 58 in the world in this matter. This variable measures the “gender inequalities” What “the loss of human development due to inequality between the achievements of women and men”and is reflected through the “reproductive health, empowerment and labor market”.