For Urpi Torrado general manager of International Datumthe low qualification of the first year of government of peter castleis due to several factors, not only to its poor management but also to the investigations for corruption cases against it.
“Indeed, the population has given the president the grade of 07 in this first year of government. And it is wear and tear month after month, due to various factors: the economic side; people do not have enough money after the price increase. The other is the issue of citizen security and the other is corruption,” Indian.
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At another point, he explained why people do not trust the government of Pedro Castillo.
“In the end we could say that the president is pulled in all the courses. Actually, in all aspects there is social discontent, distrust and frustration because there has been a promise on which people put their hopes and that has not only not been fulfilled, but it is quite far from being on track. The population feels that the government is doing nothing to solve the country’s problems. And, particularly this month’s survey, we see a significant drop in popularity, because there is an association of the president with corruption issues that has weighed on the response of the people “Torrado detailed.