Thus, in the country there 57.4 million of people who stayed busy –economically active population (PEA)– during the period of april to june. This is 2.2 million more people than in the same period of 2021.
Compared to the first quarter of 2022, unemployment fell 0.3 percentage points, Inegi said in a statement.
Work under critical conditions and informality
The 30.5% of the employed population did so under critical conditions Of occupation. This includes people who work less than 35 hours a week for reasons beyond their control, those who work more than 35 hours a week with lower monthly income to the minimum salary and those who work more than 48 hours weekly and who earn up to two minimum wages.
Finally, the rate of informality was located in 55.7%during the second quarter of 2022. In this sector, employed persons who are considered occupationally vulnerableby lackfor example, from social Securityeven though they work for an established company.
More than 70% earn less than 2 minimum wages
Near 39.2 million people work as subordinates and receive remuneration, but of this total the 30.5% earn up to a minimum wage and a 39.2% earn between 1 and 2 minimum wages.
Also, 16.6 million of this group of workers without a written contract.