Home CaribbeanDominican Republic Two elderly Dominicans die in Upper Manhattan fire

Two elderly Dominicans die in Upper Manhattan fire

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Fallecen 2 ancianos dominicanos durante fuego en Alto Manhattan

New York.- Two elderly people, aged 74 and 77, identified as the Dominican husband and wife Luciano and Piedad Tavares died, and six other people were injured, during a fire that occurred this Tuesday morning, around 4:50 p.m. tomorrow, in Upper Manhattan.

The incident took place in building number 718, a six-story building, located on 178th Street and Broadway, in the Washington Heights area.

The deceased had been residing in the property for more than 30 years; They were from San Francisco de Macorís, and one of the injured is also Dominican, it was reported.

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Likewise, a firefighter and two Emergency Service workers are among the injured.

Around 140 firefighters in 31 equipped units and several ambulances responded to the scene.

At the scene, deputy assistant chief of fire operations Malcolm Moore said units encountered “heavy fire coming from three windows on the upper floor,” which quickly spread to the area just below the building’s roof and to an apartment below.

The authorities issued an evacuation order from the building and the displaced are receiving protection from the Red Cross.

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