If you want to access a credit personal or apply for a card it is important that you know what your credit score is infocorp. If you have a good score, it is more likely that the Bank entities provide you with financial products with better conditions, they take this score into account when defining the interest rate, payment time, installment amount, among others.
Infocorp’s credit score -which you can look at here- It gives scores ranging from 1 to 999, the higher the number, the lower the probability of incurring in delinquency, and therefore the more likely that a person will pay their debts on time. On the other hand, if you have a low score, the risk or probability of default will be greater.
Checking your credit score is important because it statistically predicts the probability of paying your debts in the next 12 months. This score is taken into account by the financial institution when deciding to grant credit or purchase goods or services on credit.
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Remember that there is no score that is approved or disapproved beforehand, each financial entity defines what level of score it considers acceptable to offer credits, as well as goods or services paid on credit. The score may vary according to the information registered, such as, for example, debts with banks, department stores, schools, telephone operators, among others.
If you know your rating you can improve it over time. Then check your score and get the following benefits:
● Know your Infocorp score for free, it doesn’t cost you, you just have to register at the following link https://soluciones.equifax.com.pe/e-commerce/registro/?utm_source=Press&utm_medium=Press&utm_campaign=Registro+Press&utm_id=Registro+press
● After registering, you can see your updated score at any time you want.
● Receive an alert once a month about changes in your score.
● Get exclusive offers and tips to take care of your financial health.
Remember to check your Infocorp score every month, so you will have an indicator to improve your credit history, properly manage your debts and access better financial benefits.