In recent weeks, the National Apprenticeship Service (Sena) has opened vacancies for employment across the country. To apply for jobs, you must follow certain steps at the entity’s public employment agency.
(Read: American visa: these are the new changes in the process).
The first, through official website, is to create a Curriculum Vitae or what is usually called a resume. In this way, the public employment agency (APE) of the Sena You will be able to create a bridge between those who are looking for work and those who offer it at a national and international level.
It should be remembered that anyone can access the services and start the job search. Similarly, any legally constituted company can register vacancies to find the human talent it requires.
The first step to apply is to register through the APE website. There you must fill out an ilabor mediation and apply your resume the jobs that are available on the portal.
To find international vacancies, you should go to the ‘calls in other countries’ tab in the ‘current special calls’ section.
In the registration of your data, it is recommended to fill out as much information as possible to have the opportunity to get a job. In case of have sisbenyou must disclose it on the form.
Regarding the section on employment situation, this will be calculated automatically based on the work experience you have previously reported. Regarding the salary, you can enter how much would be the value willing to accept.
(Besides: Familias en Acción: how to receive the second payment cycle).
The platform can suspend you in two cases: if you do not attend a job interview or if you signed up for a program and did not finish the training.
Finally, it should be remembered that the format of the resume that must be attached is available on the Sena page. There they will ask you for general information, about your academic training and others.