His health was complicated during the procedure.
News Antioch.
In recent months, Medellín has been the scene of several cases of deaths related to aesthetic procedures. The growing concern about this type of tragedies is intensified with the recent death of a Mexican citizen who, apparently, was seeking to improve his appearance in the capital of Antioquia.
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According to El Colombiano, the man was identified as Joaquín Hernández, 67, who lived in the United States and had traveled to Medellín to undergo a series of cosmetic surgeries.

According to the aforementioned media, the procedure was carried out in a medical specialist center located in El Poblado.
Unfortunately, during the surgery, the foreign tourist suffered a serious heart attack that ended his life.
The procedure included a rhytidoplasty, also known as a facelift, a blepharoplasty to correct drooping eyelids, and a facial lipoinjection.
For their part, the authorities have initiated investigations to clarify the exact causes of death and determine whether the medical center complies with the mandatory protocols required by law. So far, it has not been confirmed whether the clinic had the necessary permits or whether the conditions at the site were adequate to perform procedures of this magnitude.
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