Next Thursday, September 1, at 9:00 in the morning, the course Ethics and Political Practice in the Revolutionary Transformation of the State will be given at the Venezuelan School of Planning Foundation.
This was reported by the Planning Sector Vice President, Ricardo Menéndez, on his Twitter account @rmenendezp, in which he indicated that the course will be given as part of the mass training in popular planning, for popular awareness in the construction and defense of the Plan of Homeland.
Mass training in popular planning continues, popular awareness in the construction and defense of the Plan Patria.
3R in the new stage of transition to socialism. Revolutionary political ethics and praxis as principles and new culture in the transformation of the State– Ricardo Menéndez (@rmenendezp) August 26, 2022
On this point he said: «3R in the new stage of transition to socialism. Revolutionary political ethics and praxis as principles and new culture in the transformation of the State».
Registration will be from August 26 to 31, for which the school makes available the web pages and