More than 100 boys and girls will be able to access surgical procedures. Those interested should bring the patients to the selection consultation, in order of arrival, this Saturday, August 6, at the San Ignacio district hospital.
Some 120 boys and girls from 1 to 17 years of age will benefit from free outpatient surgeries, through the Mitã Vy´arã Program.
The surgeries are scheduled for August 19, 20 and 21, at the Ayolas integrated hospital (IPS-MSP) and at the San Ignacio district hospital. Prior recruitment of patients.
In this sense, pediatric patients will be selected this Saturday, August 6, from 07:00 to 12:30, in order of arrival, at the San Ignacio district hospital, by a staff made up of more than ten professionals in charge of evaluations in clinics, without the need for previous studies.
Surgical interventions will be:
– Inguinal, umbilical and epigastric hernias.
– Palpable cryptorchidism.
– Cysts, nevus, mucocele.
– Non-articulated polydactyly.
– Varicocele.
– Phimosis.
– Other selected outpatient cases.
The surgeries will be carried out by pediatric surgeons, anesthesiologists, among other specialists who are members of the Paraguayan Society of Pediatric Surgery. To access relevant information, contact Dr. Ruth Estigarribia, at (0981) 596-419, or Dr. Celeste Rivarola, at (0994) 258-566.
The Mitã Vy´arã Program is made up of the Paraguayan Society of Pediatric Surgery (SPCP), with the support of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare, through the VIII Sanitary Region – Misiones, the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of Asunción ( UNA) and the Yacyretá Binational entity.