The electoral alliance of truck drivers with Hugo Velázquez’s project, signed months ago, is flooded by the extortion incurred by the union members.
It was 5:37 PM on November 14, 2021, when from the official Twitter account of Vice President Hugo Velázquez, they issued the message of the new “electoral alliance” of the truckers’ union with the number two presidential project of the Executive.
“Support grows! Now the truckers are joining in supporting Project 2023, which continues to advance.
We are with production, industry and work in all sectors”, Velázquez expressed then, showing photographs of the meeting with truck leaders.
All commanded by the group of leaders that this Wednesday afternoon was arrested for trying to extort money from the Paraguayan State (US$ 1 million to not carry out more road closures until the end of the year).
The same: Ángel Zaracho, president of the Federation of Truckers of Paraguay; Juan Friedelin, member of the same guild; Roberto Almirón, head of the Federation of Autonomous Carriers of Paraguay; Vicente Medina, member of the Association of Caaguaceños Truckers; and Julio César Solaeche, president of the Ovetenses Truck Drivers Association. They are the same ones who, on that date, promised to “work and help” the presidential candidacy of Hugo Velázquez.
Is the extortionary demand for a million dollars, money from taxpayers, to suspend the catastrophic road closures for a few months, part of that “electoral work” that the trucker leaders promised? Will the trucker friends (extortionists) be expelled from the Republican Force Movement?
What kind of “aid” to the Velázquez campaign was the promise made by the trucker leaders?
The cascade of questions, so far unanswered, that arises after this new extortion scandal led by truckers, can continue unabated. The high suspicion that this is part of a compromise intoxicated with politics, was installed.

The “mass of truck workers”, the day their leaders signed their support for Velázquez.
Part of the money that served to kick out trucking leaders.