Judith Pena | June 12, 2023
After the results of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) primaries were made public, it was found that some members of this group do not want reelection of at least six deputies.
This is Mariano López from the province of Colóm who obtained 2,832 votes, Petita Ayarza who obtained 1,394 votes in the Guna Yala region, in Herrera Alejandro Castillero, she also failed to continue with her plans to continue in the deputation since she only had 2,157.
In North Panama, Alina González was left out with 3,129 in Coclé, deputy Néstor Guardia also did not obtain the necessary votes to fight for the seat
While in Azuero, deputy Eric Broce barely reached 2,769 votes without being able to be reelected.