Home Central americaPanama They reject the extension of time to present candidacies for a magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice

They reject the extension of time to present candidacies for a magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice

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Against the decision of the Presidency of the Republic to extend the term of the call for magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Second Criminal Chamber and his respective substitute, the president of the National Bar Association, Juan Carlos Arauz.

These positions will be vacant as of December 31.

This morning, through a statement, it was reported that the Cabinet Council would have extended the period for receiving documents, which Arúz considers is not correct or fair with the other candidates who did meet the terms, one of the first requirements, to his criterion, to occupy the position of magistrate.

“Extending the term does not discipline the candidate, anyone who wants to be a magistrate must comply with a rigorous selection process with discipline,” he said, assuring that the extension of the term was not requested by the members of the commission and this will bring suspicion to the country.

The jurist also assured that we must take into account that it is necessary to be respectful that these tables and spaces are always collective and that the vision is always of the country, not of a single sector and under that vision, a broad vision will always be better limited participation.

He stressed that there are formal requirements that the applicant has to respect and the collection of documents takes time, however he said that those who aspire to these positions do not decide from one day to the next, so they should be prepared.

It was learned that until 12:00 noon on Thursday, June 2, documents had been received by 25 people interested in said position at the Training and Investigation Center of the Administration Attorney’s Office.

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