Due to the road damage caused by the march, the Traffic Control Undersecretariat will carry out staggered road cuts and therefore offered the following road alternatives.
To go north or south of the capital: Eje 3 Oriente Francisco del Paso y Troncoso, Circuito Bicentenario, Anillo Periférico or Axis 1 Oriente Circunvalación-La Viga.
East or west direction: Alvarado Bridge, Ribera de San Cosme, Rio de la Loza, Av. Chapultepec, Fray Servando Teresa de Mier, Eje 1 Norte Rayón, José María Izazaga, Chapultepec avenue, Constituyentes avenue, Ribera de San Cosme, road Mexico-Tacuba, Presidente Masaryk or Eje 3 Sur Av. Morelos-Baja California.