The BCP launched the 2023 call for its BCP Scholarships program, which seeks that 120 talented young Peruvians can study a university or technical career in Lima and regions with 100% cost coverage, thereby fulfilling their commitment to the development of education in Peru.
Young people interested in obtaining a university scholarship or a technical scholarship can enter here to know what the requirements are and apply until January 6, 2023.
“During the last two years, the economy of many Peruvian families has been affected by the covid-19 pandemic. In this context, we believe that the Becas BCP program becomes even more relevant, serving as an opportunity for talented young people with outstanding academic performance to pursue quality higher education, despite the scarcity of financial resources. Completing a higher education career has the potential to transform their lives and those of their families.”, commented Verónica Roca-Rey, BCP Social Responsibility Manager.
How to apply?
After having checked if they meet the requirements to obtain any of the BCP Scholarships, young people can apply by clicking on the Apply button here on the web
In this first stage, one of the most important requirements is to have achieved admission to one of the higher education institutions covered by BCP Scholarships, under the permitted modalities. Then, applicants who meet these provisions will be contacted to participate in a second stage of psychometric evaluation and finally a personal and family interview.
Thanks to inter-institutional cooperation agreements and co-financing schemes, young scholarship recipients will be able to access a quality education with 100% coverage of academic expenses at one of the main universities or institutes in the country.
“To date we have awarded more than 1,000 scholarships with an investment of more than S/40 million. More than 160 young people have successfully completed their university and technical careers thanks to BCP Scholarships”, added Veronica Roca Rey.
The institutions that currently have agreements with Becas BCP are the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), the Universidad del Pacífico (UP), the Universidad de Piura (UDEP), the Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología (UTEC) and the Universidad Peruana de Applied Sciences (UPC); as well as Certus, Toulouse Lautrec, Cibertec and Tecsup in Lima, Arequipa, Piura, Chiclayo and Trujillo.