Militants and aspiring candidates for People’s Action (AP) denounced that there are irregularities in the party’s Electoral Committeehaving accepted the list of the pre-candidates Malcolm Durand for the Regional Government of Callao, Manuel Encalada in the Mi Perú district, and Marco Asunción who seeks to represent the acciopopulist organization in the Bellavista district.
in conversation with The RepublicSara Cumpa, co-religionist and candidate for the Regional Government of Callao for People’s Actionpointed out that the legal representative of his list, Jorge Morales, has processed some acts against the aforementioned pre-candidates “that contravene what is established” in the Directive of the Plenary of AP.
“The pre-candidates who have presented themselves to the party are contravening the directives where it is said that those who applied for another one a year before cannot campaign,” he declared.
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It is worth mentioning that the complainants held a conference last Sunday, March 13, where they presented videos and documentation to the National Committee for APwhich would prove that Malcolm Durand, Manuel Encalada and Marco Asunción “did not meet the Popular Action status to continue in a political career” for the next Regional and Municipal Elections 2022.
In this sense, Jorge Morales, legal representative of the list headed by Cumpa, confirmed that the three aforementioned candidates were admitted by the Departmental Committee of Callao, “even though they do not meet these requirements”.
According to Morales, Malcolm Durand ran for Congress in 2021 with the number 3 with Somos Perú and resigned from said organization in October 2021. “Then, he wanted to join another party and campaigned in violation of the norm,” he said.
Bases of Popular Action establishes points that would prevent the nomination of 3 pre-candidates. Photo: document
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In this sense, Miguel Encalada campaigned with the Más Callao party, which he resigned in October of last year. “Now, he is running with Popular Action breaking the rules,” he said.
In the case of Marco Asunción, according to Morales, he was a candidate in the internal elections of the political party Por mi Callao, after resigning last October, according to the Registration of Political Organizations (ROP).
“In this case, the three people break the ruleswhat was imposed not by a party president, but by the plenary, by the highest representatives (of Popular Action) and for which his registration was admitted, ”said the personero to this newspaper.
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Both complainants stated have presented the corresponding blemishes to the National Committee of Popular Actionto which they added their complaints with photos and videos that would prove that the three candidates mentioned were campaigning for other political parties during 2021.
“Now they are in the process of being crossed out, that is why we denounce them. We want to make it known, not only to Callao, but to the Popular Action militancy at the national level. In case they tell us from the National Committee that it is not viable, we will go to other instances,” Morales assured.
For her part, Sara Cumpa pointed out that they will wait for the response of the National Action-Populist Committee “between today and tomorrow, Monday.”
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On the other hand, he thanked Doris Guerrero, president of the committee, for finally admitting his list to the Callao Regional Government on March 16.
“We have to continue with the process. On People’s Action we always mark presence in Callao. We have done what needs to be done, without alliances, everything is clean and transparent,” he said.
Acción Popular admitted the list to the Regional Government of Callao de Sara Cumpa Rodríguez. Photo: document