Despite being from Cusco, and living in the Imperial Region all their lives, there are many people from Cusco who still do not know Machu Picchu, which is why recently, the Decentralized Directorate of Culture of Cusco and the Regional Management of Foreign Trade, Tourism and Crafts of Cusco signed an agreement to promote the ‘Expreso Imperial’ program that will allow people from Cusco to visit the Inca city of Machu Picchu for free.
The agreement, which will last for two years, will authorize the free entry of Cusco and/or Peruvian citizens with permanent residence in Cusco, to Machu Picchu, through a program that will be implemented as part of the promotion of social and cultural tourism.
“Knowing Machu Picchu is a right and an obligation of all the people of Cuscobecause knowing this valuable architectural evidence strengthens cultural pride and identity and allows us to value our heritage even more” said Magda Mateos, director of Culture Cusco.
For the visit of the citizens of Cusco to Machu Picchu, the Regional Management of Foreign Trade, Tourism must send to the Decentralized Directorate of Culture of Cusco, the list of visitors benefiting from the program, who must comply with all the sanitary measures ordered by the pandemic.
“Thank you very much for all the support that the Directorate of Culture gives us and soon we will implement the ‘Imperial Express’ to benefit our brothers and sisters from Cusco, that can make the dream of knowing Machu Picchu come true” Rolando Meza, Manager of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Cusco, referred.
It was learned that this would be the beginning of a series of agreements aimed at improving tourism services and products in the Cusco region, to contribute to the economic reactivation in the place.