From today Thursday and until Sunday 24, the First Guateque de la Llanura Peasant Day, which is celebrated in Camagüey, will bring together various farmers of this genre.
Organized by the Provincial Center for Music and Shows “Jorge Luis Betancourt”, the event is dedicated to the centenary of the birth of Jesús Orta Ruiz (El Indio Naborí) and to the fifth anniversary of the declaration of Punto Cubano as Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Humanity.
The president of the Organizing Committee, Fernando Medrano Vireya, said in a press conference that the 35 years of artistic life of Eneida Sosa, from Camagüey, the Lady of the Tonada, and the 36 years of the Quinteto Criollo de Villa Clara, representatives of this traditional manifestation on the Island.
The event began with an academic session. Three conferences and a master class given at the branch of the Instituto Superior de las Artes (ISA) introduced those interested in the history and characteristics of Cuban peasant music.
Over the next few days, representatives of the genre will perform, such as María Victoria Rodríguez, Tony Iznaga, Emiliano Sardiñas, Barbarito Torres and the host José Mejías, along with numerous performers from different Cuban provinces.
The First Guateque de la Llanura Peasant Day seeks to spread the typical sounds of the Cuban countryside to preserve and pass on its legacy to present generations.