The required institutions are the National Institute of Technology, Standardization and Metrology (INTN); the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC); and the Secretary for the Defense of Consumers and Users (SEDECO).
The designers explained that these documents are based on complaints that were also echoed by different media outlets and social networks, regarding alleged irregularities during fuel loading at service stations.
These complaints were also brought to the web page set up by the INTN for this purpose, according to what they said.
The questionnaire that will be sent by the Chamber of Deputies to the INTN requests information on the frequency in the verification of the fuel dispenser peaks in the service stations, by the control body; as well as on controls over specific complaints and the existence, or not, of open summaries.
Likewise, the stage in which the summaries are found and the sanctions applied, individualizing the service station, with address and emblem, are other aspects that are part of it.
With regard to the MIC, information is requested on the mechanisms established for authorization and periodic checks of service stations.
The document consults the procedures to be carried out once the irregularity has been verified; what are the applicable sanctions; preventive measures to ensure the quality and quantity of fuel sold at stations, in order to prevent circumstances that directly affect citizens; etc.
It should be noted that the request for the Secretary of Consumer and User Defense (SEDECO), requires the same points and adds aspects that have to do with the prices of the basic food basket.
Specifically, the institution must respond to the excessive rise in the price of the products that make up the family shopping basket.
The legislators request explanations about the control mechanism, the sanctions for companies that fail to comply with the regulations, and other details.
Weeks ago, INTN technicians were able to verify that 35 nozzles at a Petropar service station located in the city of Luque were adulterated, so the fuel load was less than indicated. As a result, his disqualification was resolved until the pertinent adjustments are made.
The entrance They ask for reports before complaints about irregular loads in service stations was first published in diary TODAY.