The dates are stipulated according to the electoral calendar of the year 2022. On March 13, the elections of the next Congress of the Republic and of the candidates for the Presidency will be held according to the results of the inter-party consultations.
Therefore, the first day of Dry Law in the country will start on March 12 at 6 p.m. and will end on March 14 at 6 in the morning.
(These are some benefits for voting in Colombia).
There will also be a Dry Law for the elections May 29 presidentialand the second round that would be on June 19.
(Five facts that will mark the Colombian economy in March).
The foregoing complies with article 206 of Law 2241 of 1986, where it is stipulated that “the sale and consumption of intoxicating beverages is prohibited from six (6) in the afternoon of the day before the day in which the voting must be verified until six (6) in the morning of the day following the election. The Municipal Mayors will impose the corresponding sanctions for violation of this rule, in accordance with the provisions of the respective Police Codes.