ONU huracán Ian Cuba

The UN presents a plan to help 800,000 Cubans after Hurricane Ian

UN Hurricane Ian Cuba
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The UN presented this Wednesday an action plan of 42 million dollars with which it hopes to support almost 800,000 people affected in Cuba by the Hurricane Ianboth in the short term with emergency aid and in the medium term to repair damage.

According to spokesman Stéphane Dujarric, with this initiative, the United Nations seeks to support the work of the Cuban authorities to respond to the needs of citizens after the passage of Ian, which devastated the extreme west of the island at the end of September.

The organization He explained that the plan will support the response in areas such as housing, health, education, food security and access to drinking water and electricity.

In total, the UN expects some 798,000 people to benefit. Mainly in the provinces of Pinar del Río and Artemisa, the areas most affected by the hurricane.

To finance the plan, the United Nations has already allocated an item of 7.8 million dollars from its Central Fund for Emergency Response. And also 3.7 million from the budget for his team in Cuba.

Ian, the first hurricane to hit Cuba in the current Atlantic cyclone season. It left five dead and considerable material damage, damaging, for example, almost half of the houses in the province of Pinar del Río. And forced the evacuation of thousands of people.

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