“So, if we have more debt, why is the investment getting smaller?” Guadarrama said in a virtual conference.
He explained that the resources obtained by contracting debt from the states are helping to “pay day-to-day expenses, that is; current spending: payroll, issues that have to do with the provision of services, which do not necessarily have this impact on investment”, said the IMCO specialist.
low rates
Ana Lambarri, a researcher in the area of Government and Public Finance at Imco, explained that of the 10 aspects reviewed in the Barometer, Tabulators/squares, and Public Debt are among those with the lowest percentage of compliance.
On average, 89% of the states disclose their information related to the contracting of public debt.
84% of the states break down the destination of each of the public debt contracts; meanwhile, 78%, a low index for this evaluation, breaks down public debt by type of obligation or contracting instrument.
While 72% of the states disclose if they have limits for the contracting of public debt.